Here's their website
HERE are ALL their numbers, listed on their official website
Before You Call…check here to see the items you need to know or have with you to answer your specific tax questions.
Department of Taxation - Primary Phone Numbers
Individual Taxpayer Assistance......................(800) 282-1780
Business Taxpayer Assistance........................(888) 405-4039
Income Tax Refund Hotline.............................(800) 282-1784
Department of Taxation - Departmental Phone Listing
Toll-Free (800 or 888) Numbers
Forms Request (800) 282-1782
Tax Fraud Hot Line (800) 757-6091
Ohio Relay for the Hearing Impaired (800) 750-0750
Income Taxpayer Services (800) 282-1780
Income Tax Refund Hot Line (800) 282-1784
Income Tax Billings (888) 405-4091
Income Tax Assessments (888) 297-2911
Fiduciary Income Taxpayer Services (800) 282-1780
Estate Tax (800) 977-7711
Telefile Individual Income Tax Returns (January 14-October 29) (800) 697-0440
Tax Registration for Corporate Franchise, Employer & School District Withholding, and Sales & Use Taxes (888) 405-4089
Business Taxpayer Assistance (888) 405-4039
Business Tax Billings (888) 297-3540
Business Tax Assessments (888) 297-7150
Personal Property Tax (888) 644-6778
Telefile Sales Tax Returns (800) 697-0440
30 E. Broad Street, 22nd Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Fax Machine (614) 466-6401
Tax Commissioner
Richard Levin (614) 466-2166
Deputy Tax Commissioners
Chief Legal Counsel and Ethics Officer
Fred J. Nicely
Tax Policy and Budget
Frederick G. Church
Tax Compliance and Audit
Rick L. Anthony
Real Estate Taxes
Carol Mahaffey
Executive Administrators
Ron Pottorf - Audit Division (614) 466-2425
Tom Snyder - Forms, Income & School District Income, Business and Corporate Franchise Tax Divisions and Tax Return Processing Center (614) 466-3104
Shelley Wilson - Tax Equalization and Personal Property Tax Divisions (614) 466-5744
Mark Walker - Taxpayer Services and Compliance Divisions (614) 387-1801
Dale Bischoff - Excise, Motor Fuel and Commercial Activity Tax Divisions (614) 466-3794
Francie Estrada Adams - Human Resources and Employee Development and Training Divisions (614) 466-3020
Charles Rhilinger, Jr. - Tax Appeals (614) 466-6020
Vaughn Lombardo - Tax Discovery (614) 466-7120
Chief Information Officer - Information Services Division
James G. McAndrew (614) 995-0723
Problem Resolution Officer
Einon Plummer (614) 466-0832
Audit Division (Business Tax Field Audits)
30 E. Broad Street, 20th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 644-1701
Fax Machine (614) 466-1082
John Trippier, Administrator
Doug Agler, Assistant Administrator (Sales Tax)
Joe Catey, Assistant Administrator (Personal Property Tax)
Russ Hupp, Assistant Administrator (Corporate Franchise Tax)
Paula Finnin, Northeast Regional Manager
George Marcinko, South Central Regional Manager
Randy Weber, Northwest Regional Manager
(Vacant), Out-of-State Offices Regional Manager
Bankruptcy Division
30 E. Broad Street, 23rd floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 752-6864
Fax Machine (614) 995-0164
Rebecca Daum, Administrator
Budget and Fiscal
30 E. Broad Street, 22nd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-6405
Fax Machine (614) 466-8393
Kevin McNeil, Chief Fiscal Officer
Teri Knox, Fiscal Officer
Business Tax Division (Corporate Franchise/Pass-Thru Entity)
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (Toll-Free) (888) 405-4039
(Local) (614) 387-0232
General Fax (614) 387-1849
Tom Duncan, Administrator
Mike Maurer, Assistant Administrator
Administration Fax (614) 466-3093
Technical Operations
Denny Weaver, Supervisor
Jackie Hickle, Corporate Franchise
Toneita Burke, Corporate Franchise
Corporate Franchise Fax (614) 466-1579
Mark Burkey, Pass-Through Entity
Pass-Through Entity Fax (614) 466-1582
Suspense Operations
Alan Moore
Suspense Fax (614) 466-1560
Business Liaison
Chris Whitaker
Commercial Activity Tax Division
30 E. Broad Street, 19th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (888) 722-8829
Fax Machine (614) 644-9641
Deborah Smith, Administrator
Sarah Hedman, Legal Counsel
Office of Chief Counsel
30 E. Broad Street, 23rd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-6750
Fax Machine (614) 466-7979
Marge Brewer, Administrator, Appeals Management
Charles Rhilinger, Jr., Executive Administrator, Tax Appeals
Communications Office
30 E. Broad Street, 22nd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 644-6896
Fax Machine (614) 466-8922
Gary Gudmundson, Communications Director (614) 644-6903
Compliance Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 387-1701
Fax Machine (614) 387-1847
Deborah Eckert, Administrator
Electronic Filing/Payment Information
For the following taxes only:
Kilowatt-hour Tax and Natural Gas Distribution Tax (MCF) (614) 466-3744
Ohio Municipal Income Tax - Electric Light Companies and Local Exchange Telephone Companies (O.R.C. 5745) (614) 387-0232
Employee Development and Training Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 466-7560
Fax Machine (614) 728-8466
Arthur L. Flesch, Administrator
Estate Tax Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 387-1976
Fax Machine (614) 387-1984
General Information (toll-free) (800) 977-7711
Michael R. Dundon, Administrator
John Lynch, Assistant Administrator
Marc Friedman, Legal Counsel
Excise and Motor Fuel Tax Division
30 E. Broad Street, 19th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-3794
Fax Machine (614) 752-8644
Dale Bischoff, Executive Administrator (614) 466-3794
Motor Fuel
Compliance (614) 466-3503
Refunds (614) 466-3503
30 E. Broad Street, 19th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-3921
Compliance (614) 466-3410
Facilities Management Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 466-5287
Fax Machine (614) 387-0238
Greg Stratton, Administrator
Forms Purchasing Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 466-5192
Fax Machine (614) 466-5096
Terry Wadlington, Assistant Administrator
Human Resources Division
30 E. Broad Street, 22nd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-3020
General Information (614) 466-0093
Fax Machine (614) 466-9867
Elissa Nagy, Assistant Administrator
Leslie Cassady, Assistant Administrator
Timothy Stauffer, Legal Counsel
Dennis Corrigan, Worker’s Compensation Administrator
Individual Income/School District Income Tax Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
Individual Income Tax and Withholding General Information (614) 387-0224
School District Income Tax General Information (614) 387-0222
Fax Machine – Individual Income (614) 466-3093
Fax Machine – School District Income (614) 466-0012
Fax Machine Processing – (614) 466-2982
Del Harlan, Administrator (614) 387-1803
Bob Davidson, Assistant Administrator (614) 466-3094
Information Services (Computer) Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
Fax Machines (614) 752-1990, (614) 995-0368, (614) 752-1900
Martha West, Administrator (614) 995-0338
Michael Copeland, Infrastructure (614) 752-5270
Jack Lewis, Project Management Office (614) 995-0332
Timothy Martin, Internal Support (614) 752-1973
Joseph Morabito, Application Development (614) 752-1446
Donald Wilbur, Enterprise Management (614) 995-0372
W-2 Magnetic Media Information (614) 752-1972
Municipal Tax Data Exchange (614) 752-1972
Computer Operations
1320 Arthur E. Adams Drive, Columbus, OH 43221
Computer Room (614) 752-1871; Fax (614) 752-1922
IFTA (See Excise)
Investigation and Enforcement Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 466-6939
Fax Machine (614) 752-1929
Robert Bray, Chief
Rick Shirk, Deputy Chief
Enforcement Cincinnati Office
1150 W. 8th Street, Suite 253, Cincinnati, OH 45203
General Information (513) 852-3439
Fax Machine (513) 852-3221
Joe Noland, Supervisor
Enforcement Cleveland Office
615 W. Superior Avenue, Room 510, Cleveland, OH 44113
General Information (216) 787-3123
Fax Machine (216) 787-5256
Richard Noss, Supervisor
Enforcement Columbus Office
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 466-6939
Fax Machine (614) 752-1953
Faisal Farid, Supervisor
Enforcement Toledo Office
One Government Center, Suite 1450, Toledo, OH 43604
General Information (419) 245-3005
Fax Machine (419) 245-3006
Randy Hillary, Supervisor
Legislation Division
30 E. Broad Street, 22nd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 644-6896
Fax Machine (614) 466-8922
Tom Walsh, Administrator
Leslie Akers, Legal Counsel (614) 644-6896
Personal Property Tax/Public Utility Tax Division
30 E. Broad St, 21st Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-3280
Fax Machine - Personal Property (614) 466-8654
Fax Machine - Public Utility (614) 752-2496
John Nolfi, Administrator
Stanley Bialczak, Legal Counsel
Revenue Accounting Division
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 466-7150
Fax Machine (614) 995-0988
Michael J. O'Leary, Administrator
Sales and Use Tax Division
30 E. Broad Street, 20th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-4810
Fax Machine (614) 466-4977
Bryan K. Hairston, Administrator
Valerie Laughlin, Assistant Administrator
Tim Sachs, Assistant Administrator
William Riesenberger, Legal Counsel
Tax Analysis Division
30 E. Broad Street, 22nd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information(614) 466-3960
Fax Machine (614) 752-0700
Mike Sobul, Administrator
Chris Hall, Administrator
Tax Discovery Division
30 E. Broad Street, 20th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-7120
Fax Machine (614) 466-9605
Vaughn Lombardo, Executive Administrator
Tax Equalization Division
30 E. Broad Street, 21st Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
General Information (614) 466-5744
Fax Machine (614) 752-9822
Chris Kantzer, Administrator
Robert Everhart, Assistant Administrator
Laura Lackey, Assistant Administrator
Edward Samsel, Legal Counsel
Taxpayer Services and Service Centers Administration
4485 Northland Ridge Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
General Information (614) 387-1801
Fax Machine (614) 387-1849
Joe Hammond, Administrator