Is it legal to post flyers on telephone poles?
2014-08-05 13:47:56 UTC
I've been thinking about starting a dog walking/ pet sitting business, and would like to advertise, but do not know how. In my neighborhood I've seen flyers up on the telephone poles for block parties, yard sales, missing pets, baby sitting services, yard work, snow shoveling, etc. Before I print out any flyers or put them up, I want to make sure that it's legal before I do anything.
Three answers:
postal p
2014-08-05 16:13:17 UTC
It is not legal. Try putting them up in the supermarkets, on the boards near the exits.
2014-08-05 16:33:08 UTC
It is not legal. Utility poles are privave property, belonging to the phone or electric utility. A wood pole full of staples is a hazard when workers need to climb those poles.
2014-08-05 16:23:49 UTC
Not legal.

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