My wife and I have been together for about 3 years. We spit up for a month about a year ago. When we got back together I found out that she started talking to her ex. She said he was just a friend but when I looked at her email I saw that he was talking dirty to her she wasn't talking like that back but she wasn't putting a stop to it. I told her that I didn't like her talking to him because of the way he's been talking to her. She told me that she would stop but when I checked her email I saw that she was lieing because she was still talking to him. She has lied a few times about that. And about a month ago I found out that when we were spit up she went over there and they messed around. When ever I try to talk about it she gets mad and we don't end up talking about anything. She makes me feel loved but there are times when she makes me feel like she hates me. I love her I want to trust her when she tells me that she hasn't been talking to him but she's lied to me in the past so who knows. What should I do?its hard because we have a family together.
why does she get mad at me when I want to talk about it?
What's the right thing to do?help!